Aruna Activities On The National Maritime Day 2021
The nickname of the maritime country is given to Indonesia, because of the thousands of islands that stretch from Sabang to Merauke. The beauty of the sea, beaches, and fisheries sector become a valuable asset that should be maintained.
Realizing Indonesia’s huge marine and fisheries potential, Aruna together with Yayasan Maritim Nusantara Lestari raised the theme “Indonesia Succeeds as a World Maritime Country” to celebrate the 57th Maritime Day we just passed last September 23. The series of events and fishing sarasehan was conducted in five locations, namely Api-Api, Pasir Mayang, Tanjung Jumlai, Jenebora, and Tanjung Batu.
Clean-up the beach

The waste consists of plastics and microplastics along with this we found almost everywhere along the coast. The trash comes from visitors who come to the site and are carried away from the flow of the river. Waste management is important because in addition to damaging the marine and coastal ecosystems, it is also not good for health and eliminates the beauty of the beach.
The Momentum of this special is also used to re-invite the community of local fishermen in Indonesia to work together to care for the marine environment. The goal is that the natural balance in the oceans and coastal areas remain awake and can provide benefits to all living beings in the vicinity.
Planting mangroves

Friends, must have heard of mangrove trees, right? But, actually what are the benefits of planting mangroves on the beach? So, these mangrove trees can be said to be one form of environmental conservation, especially in coastal areas. The existence of mangrove trees serves as a deterrent against disaster risks, such as abrasion and erosion (soil erosion).
In addition, mangrove trees become a place to live a variety of marine life. One of them is crab. This animal relies a lot on mangroves as a food source. If there are mangroves, crabs can grow and multiply so that a good ecosystem will be created. That’s why we invite the fishing community to replant mangroves and maintain the balance of nature in the marine area. It’s fun to be able to play a role in saving the environment!
Fish-Themed Coloring for Coastal Children

In addition to cleaning the beach and planting mangroves, we also held exciting activities with fishermen’s children, namely coloring with the theme of fish. Children of fishermen are given the freedom to be creative according to the theme.
As the young generation who lead in the future, we began to introduce them to some rare fish, aiming to build their sense of concern for marine ecosystems. Then, we also taught the children of fishermen about the principle of sustainability to keep the rare fish.
With these activities, hopefully more people are concerned about the environment, especially marine ecosystems, and taking good care of them. In the future, Indonesia will become the center of the world’s maritime country.